Compiler Backend

Ola compiler backend bridge IR structure of module, function and Instruction Set Architecture(ISA) related callconv, registers and instructions. Its main features are code generation related lower and optimization related passes.

Target ISA mainly contains custom target instructions, registers which contain register class and register information, call convention and datalayout information.

Module in addition to inheritance IR is parsed out as Module structure, the description of its function and differ significantly with LLVM IR. Data information of Basic Block (BB) in the instructions target for the instruction, the register contains VRegs (Virtual Registers) and RegUnit (Register Unit) two categories, and contains a VRegs to Instructions (Insts) mapping. At the same time, instruction in data layout is referred to target instruction. Note that the structure of slot which contains stack base pointer and stack offset describe the memory access operations of parameters, local variables.

The lower provides the process of downgrading IR instruction to target instruction. Specifically it also requires copy parameters to VRegs for function call.

The pass module contains the register allocation (RegAlloc, RA) and spiller for analyzing the liveness of the pass and the function pass.

The backend of the Ola compiler compiles IR into target assembly code. It takes the standard LLVM IR generated by the frontend as input and the Ola assembly code as output.

Its pipeline process is as follows figure

LLVM IR Parser

The role of IR parser is to parse LLVM IR to Module Instruction. Its parsing briefly process is as follows:

  1. Parser parse target DataLayout and Triple, the result is target data information.

  2. Parser parse attribute group, the result is attribute information of module.

  3. Parser parse local types in module, the result is registered type in module.

  4. Parser parse global variables, the result is global variables symbol table.

  5. Parser parse function which is mainly divided into arguments list and function body, the result is function structure in module instruction.

  6. Parser parse metadata, the result is metadata map in module.

Optimizer: Optimization Passes on Parsed IR

Usually there are two kinds of compiler Optimization (Opt) passes, one is analysis passes and the other is transform passes. Currently our analysis pass is mainly Dominator Tree analysis pass, while transform passes contains Dead Code Elimination (DCE), Promote Memory to Register (Mem2Reg), Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation (SCCP).

Register and Instruction

The register description is as follows:

ABI Lower: Lowering Function Call

Ola Procedure Call Standard (OPCS) are as follows:

  • The stack initialization points to the first address of the frame stack after the fp register is loaded.

  • The address will be increased when the call instruction is executed later.

  • When the ret instruction is executed, the fp register points to the address and falls back.

The Calling process is as follows:

  • call label

    Caller uses call instruction to call a callee as call functionLabel, and fp points to the new frame. The pc address returned by the callee is placed in fp-1 which is detected by VM but not visible by the compiler backend. Its instructions pattern are as follows:

      call foo
  • function address

    The address pointed to by fp before the function call is placed in fp-2 as mstore [r8,-2] r8. Its instructions pattern are as follows:

    mstore [r8,-2] r8
  • passing arguments

    Function parameter processing: the first three input parameters are placed in the three registers r1, r2, and r3. If there are more than 3 parameters, start with the fourth input parameter and descend accordingly in fp-3, fp-4, .... Its instructions pattern are as follows:

    mov r1 vreg1
    mload r2 [r8,offset]
    mov r3 vreg2
  • local variables

    Local variables inside the function start at old fp, and their addresses are stored incrementally.

    The single return value is stored in r0. If there are multi return values, it needs to be returned by a memory pointer that return the package data. Instruction pattern for single return value is as follows:

    mov r0 vreg3

The call stack frames layout is as follows (due to the limitations of Markdown, you cannot directly embed images, but you can link to them):

For prophet library functions, its instructions pattern as:

.PROPHET{funcNum}_{prophetNum}:  // bind to prophet label
mov r0 psp  // interact with prophet read-only memory, getreturn value from prophet pointer
mload r0 [r0,0]  // used returned r0 as indexed addressing
  • First .PROPHET label binds to the prophet instance in assembly output.

  • Then the program interacts with prophet read-only memory, get the return value from prophet pointer [psp] and write the result into r0.

  • At last, we use r0 as indexed addressing to load return values from prophet memory.

Please note that Markdown doesn't support referencing figures with labels as LaTeX does, so you'd typically just describe the figure and provide a link to it or insert it directly if the platform allows for image embedding.

Instruction Selection Pattern

Conditional Branch Selection Pattern

Slot Elimination

This pass handles the stack slot for local variables.

Its pipeline is as follows:

    | VisitFunction layout
        | VisitBasicBlock
            | Match inst's data operand is Slot type
                | workList: push inst 
    | Compute slot offset
    | foreach workList
        | fixup inst's operand with offset and size

Register Allocation and Coalescing

Register allocation use linear scan method, its briefly steps as follows:

  1. we analyze liveness in function, for input and output find live in and live out.

  2. we insert spill and reload code, push it to worklist.

  3. we rewrite the virtual register for the target register.

While the steps for register coalescing is as follows:

  1. We traverse the movrr target instructions at basic block of function on the module.

  2. If the two registers of operands are the same, then we push the instructions into the work list.

  3. We can then remove the instructions in the work list from the function.

Assembly Printing

The basic format of the Ola assembly language is as follows:

{symbol} {instruction | directive | pseudo-instruction} {; | // comment}
  • Symbol indicates a symbol, which must start at the beginning of the line.

  • Instruction indicates an instruction, it is usually preceded by two spaces.

  • Directive indicates a pseudo operation.

  • Pseudo instruction means a pseudo instruction.

  • Directives, pseudo operations, and pseudo instruction helpers are all case-sensitive, but cannot be mixed.

Assembly Instructions

For simplicity, pseudo operations and pseudo instructions like .global are not considered for now. Function entries that start with funcName and end with : are treated as a label. For example, main: defines a label for a function named main.

Note: The symbols that usually start with . indicate pseudo directives or pseudo operations, such as different segments. Symbols ending with : indicate labels, such as function names and basic block numbers.

Instruction Format

The format of the internal assembly instruction is in the form of a three-address code:

<opcode> <Rd> <Rn> <shifter_operand>
  • Opcode indicates the instruction helper, usually the instruction helper defined by OlaVM.

  • Rd indicates the instruction operation destination register, which is usually the register defined by OlaVM.

  • Rn indicates the first source operand of the instruction, usually a register defined by OlaVM.

  • shifter_operand indicates the instruction data processing operand, usually an immediate or register defined by OlaVM.

Memory Layout

After the program is loaded, pc points to the zero address and the function stack frame is switched according to the hierarchy of function calls, and the memory address stack grows from a low address to a high address. When prophets are present in the program, an indexed addressing register is required to interact with the prophet memory.

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